I recently did an interview with Declan Meehan of East Coast FM.
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Release of Grief & Fatigue: Families & the Pandemic: Stories of Struggle and Hope
I am delighted to be a contributor to this publication, Grief & Fatigue: Families & the Pandemic – Stores of Struggle & Hope.
Advice and stories from renowned mediators and related professionals, artists, and others affected by the Pandemic from around the world. Created & edited by Michael Lang and Peter Nicholson. Editorial assistance by Georgia Daniels & Laurel Amaya. (Proceeds from sales go to Ukranian refugees)
Celebrating Women’s Day 2022
Women Who Dared 2
Delighted to announce my new book
Surviving Your First Year at University – A Student Toolkit
“Going to University is an exciting time but it can also feel scary and overwhelming. This excellent guide helps demystify some of the technicalities, so students can easily navigate the system… Recommended reading for anyone keen to make the most of this brilliant life opportunity.”Lynda Brady, Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Experience), Edge Hill University, UK.
I wonder why six feet under?
An extract from my book of poetry ‘Grief Is’
Available from Alan Hanna’s Rathmines, Dublin
Kennys bookshop Galway, Amazon and all good bookstores.
My New Book: ‘Grief Is’
Delighted to announce my book ‘Grief Is’ which takes its readers through a journey, expressed in poetic form, to a place which finds light and hope in the heart.
Available worldwide.on multiple book sites including Amazon ISBN 9781788233293
Kindle edition also available. You might purchase – you might review!
Are you getting ready for an online job interview?
Most job interviews today are conducted through zoom or a similar type of platform.
You will need to put your best face forward so dress for where you want to be, not for where you are.
Practice using the platform and become familiar with the various functions such as: sound, video, screen sharing and chat boxes.
Conduct the interview in a quiet and uncluttered space. Keep your desk clear. Your background should portray a professional image.
Slow down your speech. The interview panel is getting used to your voice and accent.
Practice looking into the camera.
Avoid any note taking. The interviewers want to see you not the top of your head!
Similarly, don’t be tempted to read or consult notes – this looks very obvious using this platform. Would you read or consult notes if the interview was conducted person to person?
Check technology, broadband speed and signal well in advance of the interview.
Log on in good time, at least 10 minutes ahead of the interview time. Treat the waiting time as the time you would normally spend in the reception area of a building, waiting to be called.
Once admitted, check that you can be heard and seen.
Remember to smile when greeted!
Never assume that your microphone is silent or your camera is in the off position.
No matter what checks you have done before the interview, do not assume the computer will remember the changes – you must check that all is in order with both sound and camera.
As in the face to face interview situation, the interview is not over until you have left the building. Treat the laptop as you would do the building, ensuring that all applications are fully shut down. How many times have you heard mutterings when a caller assumed a call was finished?
Remember that you have been called for interview so the panel wants to hear you tell your story. Make it a memorable one for them.